You can use OMEN Gaming Hub to optimize performance and customize OMEN laptops, desktops,and accessories. Different featuresare available depending on your system. Although OMEN Gaming Hub is available fordownload on all Windows 10 computers, thespecific features available depend on the HP OMEN computer or accessory associatedto the profile.
OMEN Gaming Hub replaces OMEN Command Center.
Install the latest version of OMEN Gaming Hub from the Microsoft Store. Older versionsof OMEN Gaming Hub feature differentnavigation and require HP Support Assistant to be installed.
Earlier OMEN PCs require a BIOS update to support all features in the Microsoft Storeapp.Update OMEN Gaming Hub from the Microsoft Store
Update OMEN Gaming Hub by downloading the app from the Microsoft Store.
Click the Microsoft Store icon on the task bar.
Search for OMEN Gaming Hub.
Wait while the program downloads and installs.
OMEN Gaming Hub opens.Home screen
The OMEN Gaming Hub home screen displays features available on your computer.
Available features vary based upon OMEN system models.
OMEN Gaming Hub looks for updates automatically on launch. There is also an optionto search for new updates.Automatic updates for OMEN Gaming Hub
When OMEN Gaming Hub launches, the update runs in the background. You are promptedto update anytime there is an important update available. This is reserved for updates that are critical to the operationof the OMEN Gaming Hub. Less crucial, orrecommended updates are listed in the update screen.
OMEN Gaming Hub update screen
The update screen lists recommended updates. These updates deliver new features andhelp HP continuously improve.
Click the update button to view available updates to OMEN Gaming Hub.
Use the overclocking screen to monitor and adjust system performance. The tools availablevary based upon the computer hardwareconfiguration.
HP OMEN notebooks require the use of the external power supply to access the Overclockingscreen.
Overclocking with Intel CPUs
Use the overclocking screen to determine the current performance level of the computer(benchmark) and make changes to thesystem to improve performance (tune).
The End-User License Agreement must be accepted to use the overclocking tools.
Intel overclocking is available only on certain computer models with an unlocked processor(K series), including OMEN 25LGT11-1xxx Desktop PC, OMEN 25L GT12-1xxx Desktop PC, OMEN 30L GT13-0xxx Desktop PC,OMEN by HP 880-p0xx Desktop, OMEN X CompactDesktop PC P1000-xxx, OMEN X by HP 900-xxx, OMEN X by HP 900-0xx Desktop, OMEN byHP Obelisk Desktop PC 875-1xx, OMEN X byHP Laptop 15-dg0xxx, and OMEN X by HP 17-apxxx Laptop series.
The first time that the overclocking screen is opened, a prompt displays to get startedusing the tutorial. This option canbe skipped by experienced overclockers. The tutorial uses a red dot to demonstratethe steps to successfully overclock thecomputer.
The overclocking screen displays information about CPU performance at the top of thescreen.
CPU Utilization: Displays the percentage of the maximum workload the CPU is using.
Max Core Frequency: Displays the maximum operating speed of the processor using current settings.
Package temperature: Displays the current temperature of the CPU.
Consult the technical specifications of the CPU to determine its maximum safe operatingtemperature.
Active core count: Displays how many of the CPU cores are currently in use.Benchmarks
A benchmark score represents the current level of performance of the computer components.Click the Run benchmark button to obtain a benchmark score.
OMEN Gaming Hub stores up to five benchmark scores to demonstrate the effects of changesmade to the system through tuning.
Use the sliders to adjust processor core, core voltage, and the processor cache toimprove system performance.
Use the Discard changes button at any point during tuning to restore defaults.
Processor Core Ratio: Use the slider to change the speed at which the processor cores operate.
Click Show more options to adjust speeds for individual cores.
Core Voltage: Adjust the amount of power supplied to the CPU.
Exceeding the maximum allowable core voltage causes the chipset to become unstable.Consult the chipset specifications todetermine the maximum allowable core voltage.
Processor Cache Ratio: Change the maximum operating frequency of the CPU cache to core interface.System instability
Overclocking can cause the system to become unstable. If this happens, OMEN GamingHub resets the system to the last stablesettings and restarts the computer.
The warning message If your PC freezes and does not auto-restart, press the power button to restart it.Save your work before proceeding. displays each time you click Apply in the Overclocking window.
To prevent this message from displaying, check the Don’t remind me again box.
HP Certified Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) compatible RAM can be overclocked to runat faster speeds.
In the Overclocking screen, use the Memory tab to access the Turbo Mode option.
Click the desired clock speed for the memory modules.
The default clock speed is used unless Turbo Mode is selected.
A prompt to restart the PC is displayed when the memory speed is changed. Click Restart now to finish memory tuning.Overclocking options
Increase the speed of your PC by overclocking the processor.
There are tiga options to overclock your PC. Each requires a PC restart.
Default: Allows to run an auto benchmark.
Intelligent: A patented algorithm that identifies the highest optimal setting for your CPU andautomatically overclocks it for you.
Custom: Manually set the Core Multiplier, Cache Ratio, and Core Voltage Offset.Overclocking with AMD CPUs
Use the overclocking screen to adjust the current performance level of the computerand view the history of adjustments made.
The End-User License Agreement must be accepted to use the overclocking tools.
AMD overclocking is available only on certain computer models with an unlocked processor,including the OMEN by HP 880-p0xx,OMEN 25L GT11-1xxx, and OMEN 25L GT12-1xxx Desktop series.
The first time that the overclocking screen is opened, a prompt displays to get startedusing the tutorial. This option canbe skipped by experienced overclockers. The tutorial uses a red dot to demonstratethe steps to successfully overclock thecomputer.
The overclocking screen displays information about CPU performance at the top of thescreen.
CPU Utilization: Displays the percentage of the maximum workload the CPU is using.
CPU Temperature: Displays the current temperature of the CPU.
Consult the technical specifications of the CPU to determine its maximum safe operatingtemperature.
CPU Average Speed: Displays an average of the current speeds of all the CPU cores.Tuning for AMD processors
Use the sliders to adjust the core multiplier and core voltage to improve system performance.
Use the Discard changes button at any point during tuning to restore defaults.
Core Multiplier: Use the slider to change the speed at which the processor operates.
Core Voltage: Adjust the amount of power supplied to the CPU.
Exceeding the maximum allowable core voltage causes the chipset to become unstable.Consult the chipset specifications todetermine the maximum allowable core voltage.System instability
Overclocking can cause the system to become unstable. If this happens, OMEN GamingHub resets the system to the last stablesettings and restarts the computer.
The warning message If your PC freezes and does not auto-restart, press the power button to restart it.Save your work before proceeding. displays each time you click Apply in the Overclocking window.
To prevent this message from displaying, check the Don’t remind me again box.